On the way home, we stopped in the town park in Harrisville. For years we have been driving by there and exclaiming how beautiful it is, all nestled there in an island in the midst of the Oswegatchie river. Today was just the day for exploring it. Tiny but lovely, we walked the path, gazed at all angles of the river and enjoyed the cool breeze. All along the path was posted the pages of a children's book called Trout, Trout, Trout. They were fastened to small wooden stakes right at a child's height. Indicators of a literate community always tickle me.
Yesterday we went to the Civil War Reenactment in Massena. Tom always enjoys the battle. Thomas and I wait it out, then head to the river. Noise, smoke, weapons? Nope! There were sailboats on the St. Lawrence and a party boat drove by before we headed home. The day was ended at home with gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches. Heirloom tomatoes make everything better!
Currently knitting: Twisted Float Shrug with online class by Annie Modesitt, boring brown sock for a gift. I started spinning corespun from a batt I bought from Marilla in coral and peach and glitter. Trouble is, the silk thread I'm spinning around has been known to bleed orange on all it touches! I need to check that out before spinning much more.