I will finish WIPs for each cycle of Project Spectrum. It turns out that for February and March I'm in great shape. Several of my languishing projects are in the colors selected to represent fire: pink, red and orange. Many others are waiting in the wings as well, but FOCUS. (See how I'm always trying to start something new?)
I'll work on each one for one week, having chosen 8 for the 2 months. I actually finished the scarf below in my first week.

For week #2, I've returned to this ruana I've been working on for awhile. I don't think I'll finish in one week - lots of garter stitch - but progress will be shown.

Week #3 is vacation from school week, so I'll be picking one that needs more attention and knitting as I'll have a bit more time to work on it - probably one of the sweaters.
I love the way just lining up these projects and setting a time limit provides a focus I didn't have before. I abandon projects from boredom or interest in something else, but never really intend to let them go. The spark is always there and this online spectrum is the fan that will fuel the motivation to complete each one. I won't have as many WIPs in other colorways for future months, instead will divide the 2 months into larger segments of time. This surely will make a large dent in my WIPs pile!