Saturday, June 04, 2005

Talk me out of buying this Hitchhiker!

Look at this sweet machine!
I have an irrational desire to purchase one. This is in spite of the fact that loose change is a rare commodity and we're planning a costly trip this summer, and the fact that I already have more than one spinning wheel. I consider riding time lost spinning time and this will solve the problem. Plus it's so darn cute I can hardly resist! Lame, huh? My husband just rolls his eyes and he's usually quite tolerant of my obsessions.

OK, back to paper grading now. Maybe I'll forget all about it! Or not.

Thomas with his favorite bleeding hearts in the background. Posted by Hello

He told me he was looking for patterns in the water as it fell. Hmmmm. Posted by Hello

Thomas bailing. Posted by Hello

You gotta love this kid!

How many active 8 year old boys can entertain themselves with such simple things? We love this boy who can take a job (if it involves water, that is!) and turn it into a pleasurable activity. Thomas had decided to create his own mini pool - in Dad's canoe. All fine and dandy until Dad needed to dump the canoe to mow under it and found it too heavy to lift. Thomas, in his bathing suit, to the rescue. He started bailing and just had to dump water over his own head and look for patterns in the water as it fell to the ground. Check him out!